Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Method or the Goal

Say what?

I'm already hearing that frugality is anethema to the Pagan lifestyle - aren't we supposed be wild and free, living our life according to our will and our whim - unencumbered by artificial strictures and structures?

Hogwash. (anyone ever try to wash a hog? just asking)

Like my esteemed colleague over at Wise Bread
I view frugal living as essentially hedonistic: I don't deny myself things. Rather, I spend less on the things I don't care about in order to be able to spend more on the things that matter to me. 

So as we enter this new calendar year, with all it's possibilities (silly humans that we are - using mental tricks like changing a cluster of papers hanging on our wall to initiate change - some would call that "magic" at a world-wide level) - how do we (individually and collectively) determine what is important.

We, each of us have needs - food, clothing, shelter, transportation, recreation.  The "wants" determine what those needs look like? Here are some extremes - and real life is in between.

  • Food - organic or regular? discount days & coupons vs gourmet food boutique?
  • Clothing - kmart or Calvin Klein? Value Village or Designer Boutique? knock off vs home-made?
  • Shelter - A small house in the inner city versus a palace in the outlying suburbs. 
  • Transportation - economy or luxury - smart or suv - bike or transit  - plane or train?
  • Recreation -  expensive evenings out vs renting a dvd with popcorn at home? Every new electronic gizmo that appears, or a 4 year old game console and some old favourite games?
All these choices have an impact on our physical well-being, mental health, levels of stress, and sense of spiritual connection.  Each person - each family unit gets to make their own decisions about what is right for them.

Pagans are just people - with widely varying priorities - but we share the same basic needs and our quality of life is determined by our wants.  So - Pagan Reader, what do you need vs what do you want - and how will you make that happen? 

In order to live a life of total hedonistic pleasure - meaning having the things that are important to you - you need to know what they are - and you need to know what is less important so you can divert time / energy / resources to obtain what matters.

And that is the essence of being a Frugal Pagan.  Living a life in balance, connected to each other, in harmony with Nature, in the service of our Gods, and having the best that a life well lived and well planned can offer.

Let's enjoy the new year together!

If the Universe wastes nothing...
The Frugal Pagan

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